Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki
Seaside Cavern
File:Seaside Cavern.PNG
Map description
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Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Route 7
Cybergate City
Seaside Cavern
Route 7
Wack Route 0
Location of Seaside Cavern in Wack.

The Seaside Cavern is a long cave that essentially splits the Wack region in two. It is connected to Route 7 on both sides, to Surfin City (first access) towards Synth City, as well as a western exit to Cybergate City. The cave is at first occupied by both Team Juvite and Team Wack.


  • Rare Candy: Section 1, east of TW Aqua Force Gruntt.
  • Vanilluxite x2: Section 2, south of Team Wack Grunnnttt. Section 2, on an island in the second area.
  • Max Ether: Section 2, southwest of TW Aqua Force Grunt.
  • Max Potion: Section 2, southeast of TW Aqua Force Grunt.
  • Nugget: Section 2, in the ice by Team Wack Grunnty.
  • Charizardite I: Section 2, in the ice south of Team Juvite Gruunt.
  • Avalugite: West of the Charizardite I.
  • Charizardite W
  • Weakness Policy: Section 1, southwest of Team Wack Grunti.
  • TM79 (Frost Breath): Next to Team Wack Gruntii.
  • Blizzlamite: Section 2, immediately south of the second ladder.
  • TM107 (Avalanche): Section 1, on the island where the teams are facing off.
  • Glalite: Section 1, on the island where the teams are facing off.
  • Whiscashite: Section 3, east of Team Juvite Gruntt.
  • Poliwrathite: North of Whiscashite.


Team Wack Grunttt: Houndoom Lv. 32

TW Aqua Force Grunt: Carolden Lv. 33

TW Aqua Force Gruntt: Drubber Lv. 32

Team Wack Grunnnttt: Chillzie Lv. 34

TW Aqua Force Grunt: Spongee Lv. 33

Team Wack Grunnty: Cool-or Lv. 34

Team Juvite Gruunt: Nosepass Lv. 34

Team Wack Joe: Grasses Lv. 33, Cool-or Lv. 33

Team Wack Grunti: Ancienkrab Lv. 34

Team Wack Gruntii: Vanillite Lv. 34

Team Wack Grunti: Abomasnow Lv. 34

TW Aqua Force Gruntt: Sharpladon Lv. 34

TW Aqua Force Grunnt: Dewgong Lv. 34, Cloyster Lv. 34

TW Aqua Force Grunti: Golduck Lv. 34

Team Juvite Grunti: Hypno Lv. 34

TW Aqua Force Gruunt: Spongee Lv. 34 x2

Team Wack Grurnt: M'Ladee Lv. 34

Team Juvite Grurnt: Diebbuk Lv. 34

Team Juvite Gruntt: Clefable Lv. 33

TW Aqua Force Ggrunt: Floatzel Lv. 35, Jolteon Lv. 33

Team Juvite Grunt: Euphoreye Lv. 34, Buzzjaw Lv. 34

Team Wack Admin Zyklon: Creeposs Lv. 35, Saplom Lv. 35, Wackian Deino Lv. 35, Behemist Lv. 35, Carkol Lv. 34


Section 1[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Plastolphin Plastolphin
Surfing Surfing
30-32 60%
Fabreel Fabreel
Surfing Surfing
30-32 30%
Fabreel Fabreel
Surfing Surfing
30-32 5%
Oregi Oregi
Surfing Surfing
30-32 4%
Oregi Oregi
Surfing Surfing
30-32 1%
Good Rod
Poliwag Poliwag
Good Rod Good Rod
33-35 60%
Poliwag Poliwag
Good Rod Good Rod
30-35 20%
Poliwhirl Poliwhirl
Good Rod Good Rod
35-37 20%
Flowjaw Flowjaw
Cave Cave
29-32 20%
Spongee Spongee
Cave Cave
29-32 20%
Flowjaw Flowjaw
Cave Cave
29-32 10%
Zyklas Zyklas
Cave Cave
29-32 10%
Spongee Spongee
Cave Cave
29-32 10%
Spongee Spongee
Cave Cave
29-32 10%
Zyklas Zyklas
Cave Cave
29-32 5%
Spongee Spongee
Cave Cave
29-32 5%
Flowjaw Flowjaw
Cave Cave
29-32 4%
Spongee Spongee
Cave Cave
29-32 4%
Oregi Oregi
Cave Cave
32-34 1%
Oregi Oregi
Cave Cave
32-34 1%
Super Rod
Tentacool Tentacool
Super Rod Super Rod
33-36 40%
Shellder Shellder
Super Rod Super Rod
33-35 40%
Tentacool Tentacool
Super Rod Super Rod
33-35 15%
Gyarados Gyarados
Super Rod Super Rod
35 4%
Shellder Shellder
Super Rod Super Rod
35 1%
Old Rod
Feebas Feebas
Old Rod Old Rod
32-36 70%
Feebas Feebas
Old Rod Old Rod
33-35 30%

Swimmer F Lv. 45 (only one; after beating the 5th Gym)

Swimmer M Lv. 45 (only one; after beating the 5th Gym)

Section 2[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Plastolphin Plastolphin
Surfing Surfing
30-32 60%
Fabreel Fabreel
Surfing Surfing
30-32 30%
Fabreel Fabreel
Surfing Surfing
30-32 5%
Oregi Oregi
Surfing Surfing
30-32 4%
Oregi Oregi
Surfing Surfing
30-32 1%
Good Rod
Wooper Wooper
Good Rod Good Rod
33-35 60%
Wooper Wooper
Good Rod Good Rod
30-35 20%
Quagsire Quagsire
Good Rod Good Rod
33-35 20%
Flowjaw Flowjaw
Cave Cave
32 20%
Iceis Iceis
Cave Cave
32 20%
Smoman Smoman
Cave Cave
32-34 10%
Cool-or Cool-or
Cave Cave
32-34 10%
Cool-or Cool-or
Cave Cave
32-34 10%
Cocaiturd Cocaiturd
Cave Cave
32-34 10%
Smoman Smoman
Cave Cave
32-34 5%
Cocaiturd Cocaiturd
Cave Cave
32-34 5%
Cool-or Cool-or
Cave Cave
32-34 4%
Flowjaw Flowjaw
Cave Cave
32-34 4%
Smoman Smoman
Cave Cave
32-34 1%
Iceis Iceis
Cave Cave
32-34 1%
Super Rod
Remoraid Remoraid
Super Rod Super Rod
33-36 40%
Wailmer Wailmer
Super Rod Super Rod
33-36 40%
Qwilfish Qwilfish
Super Rod Super Rod
33-38 15%
Wailmer Wailmer
Super Rod Super Rod
36 4%
Remoraid Remoraid
Super Rod Super Rod
36 1%
Old Rod
Chinchou Chinchou
Old Rod Old Rod
30-35 70%
Chinchou Chinchou
Old Rod Old Rod
33-35 30%

Section 3[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Fabreel Fabreel
Surfing Surfing
30-32 60%
Fabreel Fabreel
Surfing Surfing
30-32 30%
Fabreel Fabreel
Surfing Surfing
30-32 5%
Orscine Orscine
Surfing Surfing
30-32 4%
Orscine Orscine
Surfing Surfing
30-32 1%
Good Rod
Horsea Horsea
Good Rod Good Rod
33-35 60%
Horsea Horsea
Good Rod Good Rod
30-35 20%
Seadra Seadra
Good Rod Good Rod
33-35 20%
Flowjaw Flowjaw
Cave Cave
32-34 20%
Spongee Spongee
Cave Cave
32-34 20%
Flowjaw Flowjaw
Cave Cave
32-34 10%
Oregi Oregi
Cave Cave
32-34 10%
Smoman Smoman
Cave Cave
32-34 10%
Cool-or Cool-or
Cave Cave
32-34 10%
Flowjaw Flowjaw
Cave Cave
32-34 5%
Spongee Spongee
Cave Cave
32-34 5%
Cool-or Cool-or
Cave Cave
32-34 4%
Spongee Spongee
Cave Cave
32-34 4%
Oregi Oregi
Cave Cave
32-34 1%
Oregi Oregi
Cave Cave
32-34 1%
Super Rod
Barboach Barboach
Super Rod Super Rod
33-36 40%
Staryu Staryu
Super Rod Super Rod
33-36 40%
Starmie Starmie
Super Rod Super Rod
33-38 15%
Staryu Staryu
Super Rod Super Rod
36 4%
Barboach Barboach
Super Rod Super Rod
36 1%
Old Rod
Goldeen Goldeen
Old Rod Old Rod
30-35 70%
Goldeen Goldeen
Old Rod Old Rod
33-35 30%
