Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Boosts the likelihood of added effects appearing.


Doubles the chance of the additional effect of a bearer's damaging move occurring.

Pokémon that have Serene Grace

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
659 Pagie Pagie Normal Paper Serene Grace Weak Armor Hustle
440 Happiny Happiny Normal Undiscovered Natural Cure Serene Grace Friend Guard
1670 Swirlia Swirlia Food Undiscovered Serene Grace Undiscovered Magic Guard
280 Ralts Ralts Psychic Fairy Synchronize Trace Serene Grace
709 Beaucake Beaucake Food Fairy Serene Grace Sugar Rush Magic Guard
660 Swanaper Swanaper Paper Flying Serene Grace Weak Armor Rough Skin
1964 Heart Lopunny Heart Lopunny Normal Heart Cute Charm Serene Grace Limber
805 Lamcoud Lamcoud Normal Wind Serene Grace Fur Coat Volt Absorb
175 Togepi Togepi Fairy Undiscovered Hustle Serene Grace Super Luck
1929 Gettarobo Gettarobo Tech Fighting Defiant Moxie Serene Grace
1455 Alolan Togekiss Alolan Togekiss Dragon Flying Hustle Serene Grace Super Luck
1315 Nout Nout Sound Undiscovered Serene Grace Undiscovered Rattled
703 Bairy Bairy Fairy Grass Levitate Levitate Serene Grace
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Undiscovered Snow Cloak Snow Rush Serene Grace
1657 Clegnyana Clegnyana Divine Undiscovered Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer
1868 Merlinound Merlinound Ghost Sound Soundproof Serene Grace Neutral
1842 Risatsuki Risatsuki Fire Dragon Pride Levitate Serene Grace
1828 Daiyairy Daiyairy Fairy Undiscovered Compoundeyes Tinted Lens Serene Grace
648 Meloetta Meloetta Sound Psychic Serene Grace Undiscovered None
468 Togekiss Togekiss Fairy Flying Hustle Serene Grace Super Luck
959 Dunsparth Dunsparth Normal Fairy Serene Grace Filter Rattled
242 Blissey Blissey Normal Undiscovered Natural Cure Serene Grace Fur Coat
708 Cuplet Cuplet Food Fairy Serene Grace Cute Charm Magic Guard
1669 Suckert Suckert Food Undiscovered Serene Grace Undiscovered Magic Guard
1894 Cliffracer Cliffracer Flying Undiscovered Shadow Tag Serene Grace Intimidate
1579 Shrinae Shrinae Wind Water Serene Grace Clear Body Super Luck
176 Togetic Togetic Fairy Flying Hustle Serene Grace Super Luck
206 Dunsparce Dunsparce Normal Undiscovered Serene Grace Rattled Guts
585 Deerling Deerling Normal Grass Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace
586 Sawsbuck Sawsbuck Normal Grass Chlorophyll Sap Sipper Serene Grace
1963 Heart Buneary Heart Buneary Normal Heart Cute Charm Serene Grace Limber
797 Anol Anol Divine Flying Serene Grace Balance Pride
1453 Alolan Togepi Alolan Togepi Dragon Undiscovered Hustle Serene Grace Super Luck
1671 Lolichap Lolichap Food Undiscovered Serene Grace Undiscovered Magic Guard
1561 Happi Happi Normal Heart Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer
113 Chansey Chansey Normal Undiscovered Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer
282 Gardevoir Gardevoir Psychic Fairy Synchronize Trace Serene Grace
1454 Alolan Togetic Alolan Togetic Dragon Flying Hustle Serene Grace Super Luck
1319 Treblout Treblout Sound Fairy Serene Grace Undiscovered Rattled
1318 Lonout Lonout Sound Dark Serene Grace Undiscovered Rattled
1317 Sonout Sonout Sound Undiscovered Serene Grace Undiscovered Rattled
1316 Donout Donout Sound Undiscovered Serene Grace Undiscovered Rattled
385 Jirachi Jirachi Steel Cosmic Serene Grace Undiscovered None
798 Angeist Angeist Divine Flying Serene Grace Balance Pride
174 Igglybuff Igglybuff Fairy Undiscovered Fur Coat Serene Grace Friend Guard
457 Lumineon Lumineon Water Light Illuminate Serene Grace Storm Drain
958 Dunesdrill Dunesdrill Normal Ground Serene Grace Sheer Force Rattled
281 Kirlia Kirlia Psychic Fairy Synchronize Trace Serene Grace
581 Swanna Swanna Water Flying Serene Grace Competitive Drizzle
1848 Tewiabbit Tewiabbit Normal Undiscovered Prankster Serene Grace Super Luck
957 Eldsparce Eldsparce Normal Dragon Serene Grace Scrappy Rattled
710 Gatteri Gatteri Food Fairy Serene Grace Sugar Rush Magic Guard
806 Gorale Gorale Normal Wind Reckless Fur Coat Serene Grace
804 Flufamb Flufamb Normal Wind Serene Grace Fur Coat Volt Absorb
315 Roselia Roselia Grass Poison Natural Cure Poison Point Serene Grace
2756 Varodurumon Varodurumon Light Divine Serene Grace Graze Natural Cure
3041 Mariantoinette (Alter) Mariantoinette (Alter) Glass Shadow Cute Charm Serene Grace Rough Skin
2952 Patamon Patamon Normal Flying Hustle Serene Grace Run Away
2755 Hououmon Hououmon Fire Light Serene Grace Regenerator Magic Guard
2951 Tokomon Tokomon Normal Flying Hustle Serene Grace Run Away
2050 Hasserenity Hasserenity Dark Poison Poison Point Undiscovered Serene Grace
2120 Cakeross Cakeross Food Blood Serene Grace Cute Charm Magic Guard
3866 Vala Vala Normal Heart Serene Grace Speed Boost Fur Coat
3826 Dunschum Dunschum Normal Light Serene Grace Thick Fat Adaptability
2720 Cascavian Cascavian Water Fighting Inner Focus Undiscovered Serene Grace
3343 Dunsnek Dunsnek Normal Dragon Marvel Scale Rattled Serene Grace
2344 Mega Chatot Mega Chatot Sound Flying Serene Grace Undiscovered Soundproof
3508 Witherade Witherade Grass Undiscovered Serene Grace Poison Point Natural Cure
2318 Chanaroy Chanaroy Normal Undiscovered Levitate Serene Grace Super Luck
3737 Humanoid Chansey Humanoid Chansey Normal Undiscovered Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer
2960 Ophanimon Ophanimon Divine Steel Justified Serene Grace Adaptability
2091 Mariantoinette Mariantoinette Glass Undiscovered Cute Charm Serene Grace Clear Body
2503 Rosemalum Rosemalum Chaos Poison Acid Rain Serene Grace Balance
2954 MagnaAngemon MagnaAngemon Divine Fighting Justified Serene Grace Regenerator
3270 Kaiju Ralts Kaiju Ralts Psychic Fairy Synchronize Trace Serene Grace
2953 Angemon Angemon Divine Flying Justified Serene Grace Regenerator
3527 Curry (Cream) Curry (Cream) Food Fairy Serene Grace Undiscovered Shield Dust
3776 Chamber Chamber Dragon Fabric Polite Undiscovered Serene Grace
3507 Roseling Roseling Grass Undiscovered Natural Cure Poison Point Serene Grace
2415 Tendream Tendream Fabric Fairy Serene Grace Prankster Fur Coat
3443 Half Blissey Half Blissey Normal Undiscovered Natural Cure Serene Grace Fur Coat
3432 Qmarks Igglybuff Qmarks Igglybuff Qmarks Undiscovered Fur Coat Serene Grace Friend Guard
3026 Whoredevoir Whoredevoir Psychic Heart Synchronize Trace Serene Grace
3409 Kaiju Dunsparce Kaiju Dunsparce Normal Undiscovered Serene Grace Rattled Guts
3405 Kaiju Happiny Kaiju Happiny Normal Undiscovered Natural Cure Serene Grace Friend Guard
2958 Angewomon Angewomon Divine Flying Magic Guard Serene Grace Regenerator
2281 The Guy The Guy Qmarks Undiscovered Serene Grace Intimidate Healer
3304 Mikemon Mikemon Normal Fighting Moxie Serene Grace Run Away
2502 Malevia Malevia Chaos Poison Poison Touch Serene Grace Magic Bounce
2071 Kinghassassin Kinghassassin Dark Ghost Sturdy Undiscovered Serene Grace
2956 Salamon Salamon Fairy Normal Hustle Serene Grace Run Away
2650 Wackian Blissey Wackian Blissey Normal Steel Natural Cure Serene Grace Fur Coat
3528 Curry (Big Cream) Curry (Big Cream) Food Fairy Serene Grace Undiscovered Sugar Rush
3394 Beta Blissey Beta Blissey Normal Undiscovered Natural Cure Serene Grace Fur Coat
2972 Gardebuck Gardebuck Normal Grass Cute Charm Sap Sipper Serene Grace
2959 Holydramon Holydramon Divine Dragon Marvel Scale Serene Grace Levitate
2957 Tailmon Tailmon Fairy Fighting Moxie Serene Grace Run Away
2994 Sakuyamon Sakuyamon Magic Divine Serene Grace Undiscovered Adaptability
2955 Seraphimon Seraphimon Divine Fighting Justified Serene Grace Adaptability
2649 Wackian Chansey Wackian Chansey Normal Steel Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer
2414 Pijammin Pijammin Fabric Fairy Serene Grace Prankster Fur Coat
2319 Chanarang Chanarang Normal Fairy Levitate Serene Grace Super Luck
4576 Senseion Senseion Fighting Undiscovered Inner Focus Serene Grace Guts
4484 Sheik Sheik Fairy Dark Technician Limber Serene Grace
4483 Zelda Zelda Fairy Magic Competitive Undiscovered Serene Grace
4849 Takua Takua Light Undiscovered Defiant Undiscovered Serene Grace
4526 Bayonetta Bayonetta Dark Magic Serene Grace Undiscovered Competitive
4321 Alkeydin Alkeydin Steel Flying Serene Grace Undiscovered None
4591 Sitryvern Sitryvern Dragon Food Moody Hustle Serene Grace
4063 Pixinair Pixinair Fairy Undiscovered Cute Charm Serene Grace Marvel Scale
4189 Beta Togekiss Beta Togekiss Fairy Dragon Levitate Undiscovered Serene Grace
4186 Beta Lumineon Beta Lumineon Water Fairy Illuminate Serene Grace Storm Drain
4643 Fedora Kirlia Fedora Kirlia Psychic Fabric Skeptic Trace Serene Grace
4753 Gold Mario Gold Mario Steel Fire Serene Grace Undiscovered Moody
4850 Takanuva Takanuva Light Undiscovered Serene Grace Undiscovered Defiant
4062 Pixini Pixini Fairy Undiscovered Cute Charm Serene Grace Marvel Scale
4064 Pixinite Pixinite Fairy Flying Cute Charm Serene Grace Marvel Scale