Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Powers up moves if they become critical hits.


The power of the bearer's moves is boosted by 50% if they are critical hits.

Pokémon that have Sniper

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
230 Kingdra Kingdra Water Dragon Swift Swim Sniper Damp
1495 Beta Remoraid Beta Remoraid Water Steel Hustle Sniper Moody
021 Spearow Spearow Normal Flying Sniper Big Pecks Guts
452 Drapion Drapion Poison Dark Battle Armor Sniper Keen Eye
1953 Aves Aves Normal Flying Keen Eye Big Pecks Sniper
022 Fearow Fearow Normal Flying Sniper Mold Breaker Guts
223 Remoraid Remoraid Water Undiscovered Hustle Sniper Moody
1851 Reikuto Reikuto Normal Undiscovered Run Away Scrappy Sniper
1527 Spidette Spidette Bug Poison Swarm Insomnia Sniper
913 Eldrake Eldrake Dragon Chaos Sniper Sniper Intimidate
885 Barbaracle Barbaracle Rock Water Tough Claws Sniper Pickpocket
015 Beedrill Beedrill Bug Poison Sniper Anger Point Honey Gather
1085 Lycanmoon Lycanmoon Dark Cosmic Anger Point Sniper Berserker
1428 Spiortex Spiortex Bug Psychic Own Tempo Insomnia Sniper
1673 Woopeck Woopeck Wood Flying Sniper Infiltrator Sniper
1672 Flwood Flwood Wood Flying Sniper Infiltrator Sniper
451 Skorupi Skorupi Poison Bug Battle Armor Sniper Keen Eye
1496 Beta Octillery Beta Octillery Water Steel Moody Sniper Moody
224 Octillery Octillery Water Undiscovered Moody Sniper Mega Launcher
1638 Beta Spearow Beta Spearow Normal Flying Keen Eye Undiscovered Sniper
1190 Pearoyal Pearoyal Light Flying Intimidate Illuminate Sniper
1371 Cybirb Cybirb Cyber Flying Sniper Infiltrator Sniper
1189 Peacon Peacon Light Flying Keen Eye Illuminate Sniper
1500 Supercannon Supercannon Dragon Tech Sniper Mega Launcher Rough Skin
117 Seadra Seadra Water Undiscovered Poison Point Sniper Damp
1568 Beta Kingdra Beta Kingdra Water Dragon Swift Swim Sniper Damp
1528 Tuhedd Tuhedd Bug Poison Sniper Insomnia Sniper
1499 Balistagon Balistagon Dragon Tech Sniper Keen Eye Rough Skin
1739 Arachoe Arachoe Tech Bug Battle Armor Sniper Keen Eye
1400 Hassassin Hassassin Dark Fear Vacuum Super Luck Sniper
167 Spinarak Spinarak Bug Poison Swarm Insomnia Sniper
1429 Grifawk Grifawk Light Flying Keen Eye Moxie Sniper
1372 Cypecker Cypecker Cyber Flying Sniper Infiltrator Sniper
1427 Spiortal Spiortal Bug Psychic Swarm Insomnia Sniper
1250 Stoneon Stoneon Rock Undiscovered Filter Rock Head Sniper
168 Ariados Ariados Bug Poison Sniper Insomnia Swarm
912 Acies Acies Dragon Undiscovered Sniper Sniper Intimidate
1124 Decidueye Decidueye Grass Ghost Compoundeyes Sniper Unburden
1084 Lunound Lunound Dark Cosmic Dark Life Sniper Berserker
910 Iceis Iceis Ice Dark Sniper Sand Veil Explosive
911 Blizzlam Blizzlam Ice Dark Sniper Sand Veil Explosive
884 Binacle Binacle Rock Water Tough Claws Sniper Pickpocket
116 Horsea Horsea Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Sniper Damp
1830 Yorihimoon Yorihimoon Steel Light Super Luck Sniper Pressure
2668 Tactite Tactite Rock Undiscovered Levitate Technician Sniper
2499 Inteleon Inteleon Water Dark Torrent Undiscovered Sniper
2363 Skittigang Skittigang Normal Steel Normalize Sniper No Guard
3937 Fearolt Fearolt Electric Flying Sniper Mold Breaker Guts
3435 Beta Octillery 2 Beta Octillery 2 Water Undiscovered Moody Sniper Mega Launcher
3928 Bristrill Bristrill Rock Poison Poison Point Sturdy Sniper
3162 Fairy Seadra Fairy Seadra Water Undiscovered Poison Point Sniper Damp
3646 Humanoid Fearow Humanoid Fearow Normal Flying Sniper Big Pecks Guts
2974 Janinedos Janinedos Normal Bug Sniper Poison Touch Insomnia
2047 Robinarcher Robinarcher Grass Poison Sniper Undiscovered Merciless
2879 Digger Digger Ground Tech Sniper Undiscovered Mold Breaker
2026 Chirontaur Chirontaur Divine Undiscovered Sniper Keen Eye Technician
3741 Humanoid Seadra Humanoid Seadra Water Undiscovered Poison Point Sniper Damp
3740 Humanoid Horsea Humanoid Horsea Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Sniper Damp
3639 Humanoid Beedrill Humanoid Beedrill Bug Poison Sniper Anger Point Honey Gather
3089 Charlesanson Charlesanson Dark Undiscovered Sniper Undiscovered Moxie
3161 Fairy Horsea Fairy Horsea Water Undiscovered Poison Point Sniper Damp
3442 Beta Ariados Beta Ariados Bug Poison Sniper Insomnia Swarm
3645 Humanoid Spearow Humanoid Spearow Normal Flying Sniper Big Pecks Guts
3441 Unfinished Kingdra Unfinished Kingdra Qmarks Undiscovered Swift Swim Sniper Damp
2362 Skittiglock Skittiglock Normal Steel Cute Charm Sniper No Guard
3477 Wackian Zweilous Wackian Zweilous Steel Dragon Hustle Sniper Bulletproof
2878 Molbot Molbot Ground Tech Sniper Undiscovered Mold Breaker
3476 Wackian Deino Wackian Deino Steel Dragon Hustle Sniper Bulletproof
3478 Wackian Hydreigon Wackian Hydreigon Steel Dragon Hustle Sniper Bulletproof
3434 Beta Kingdra 2 Beta Kingdra 2 Water Dragon Swift Swim Sniper Damp
3388 Stingscorp Stingscorp Bug Poison Merciless Sniper Poison Touch
2037 Arasharcher Arasharcher Normal Undiscovered Immunity Undiscovered Sniper
2667 Rebble Rebble Rock Undiscovered Levitate Filter Sniper
3276 Kaiju Fearow Kaiju Fearow Normal Flying Sniper Mold Breaker Guts
3262 Billykid Billykid Normal Undiscovered Sniper Keen Eye Pounce
2942 Mega Fearow Mega Fearow Fear Flying Sniper Undiscovered None
2062 Lishuwassin Lishuwassin Fighting Undiscovered Keen Eye Steadfast Sniper
3163 Fairy Kingdra Fairy Kingdra Water Fairy Marvel Scale Sniper Damp
3130 Orionartemis Orionartemis Divine Cosmic Sniper Keen Eye Wonder Skin
2794 Sheridryoid Sheridryoid Tech Steam Technician Sniper Skill Link
2791 Drakobble Drakobble Water Dragon Torrent Undiscovered Sniper
2029 Jackripper Jackripper Dark Ghost Super Luck Pounce Sniper
2669 Stratagem Stratagem Rock Undiscovered Levitate Technician Sniper
4269 Twiggerd Twiggerd Wood Undiscovered Anger Point Sniper Skill Link
4152 Kasai Kasai Normal Undiscovered Sniper Undiscovered Intimidate
4821 Emiyassin Emiyassin Steel Time Sniper Keen Eye Pounce
4270 Trunkannon Trunkannon Wood Undiscovered Anger Point Sniper Skill Link
4679 Baraka Baraka Dark Undiscovered Hyper Cutter Undiscovered Sniper
4226 Frospidey Frospidey Bug Ice Snow Cloak Sniper Infiltrator
4510 Duck Hunt Dog Duck Hunt Dog Flying Normal Sniper Undiscovered Parental Bond
4227 Froscorpio Froscorpio Bug Ice Snow Cloak Sniper Infiltrator
4567 Mami Mami Magic Fabric Sniper Undiscovered Pro
4562 Goldeneye007 Goldeneye007 Normal Undiscovered Infiltrator Sniper Technician
4824 EMIYALTER EMIYALTER Steel Shadow Sniper Bulletproof Trace