Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Boosts the Pokémon's Speed in hail.


Unknown custom effect

Pokémon that have Snow Rush

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
086 Seel Seel Water Ice Thick Fat Snow Rush Ice Body
1201 Arctic Gyarados Arctic Gyarados Water Ice Snow Rush Intimidate Moxie
471 Glaceon Glaceon Ice Undiscovered Snow Cloak Snow Rush Serene Grace
087 Dewgong Dewgong Water Ice Thick Fat Snow Rush Ice Body
1398 Sliwa Sliwa Ice Flying Snow Cloak Snow Rush Insomnia
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Cursed Body Snow Rush Snow Warning
1275 Frostolem Frostolem Rock Ice Snow Rush Filter Snow Warning
1233 Alolan Poochyena Alolan Poochyena Dark Undiscovered Snow Rush Snow Cloak Rattled
215 Sneasel Sneasel Dark Ice Technician Snow Rush Pickpocket
1641 Beta Seel Beta Seel Water Ice Thick Fat Snow Rush Ice Body
1210 Alolan Sandslash Alolan Sandslash Ice Steel Snow Rush Rough Skin Snow Cloak
1209 Alolan Sandshrew Alolan Sandshrew Ice Steel Snow Rush Snow Cloak Snow Cloak
1399 Cawice Cawice Ice Flying Snow Cloak Snow Rush Insomnia
1361 Frwind Frwind Wind Ice Snow Warning Snow Rush Levitate
1266 Phantice Phantice Steam Ice Snow Rush Snow Rush Weak Armor
1009 Narwhar Narwhar Water Ice Thick Fat Snow Rush Fur Coat
1234 Alolan Mightyena Alolan Mightyena Dark Ice Intimidate Fur Coat Snow Rush
991 Cocaiturd Cocaiturd Poison Ice Snow Cloak Stench Snow Rush
1267 Serpentice Serpentice Steam Ice Snow Rush Snow Rush Weak Armor
1113 Crabominable Crabominable Fighting Ice Iron Fist Fur Coat Snow Rush
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice Technician Snow Rush Pickpocket
1097 Rhemorice Rhemorice Bug Ice Cold Blooded Snow Rush Filter
2834 Swallice Swallice Ice Fairy Thick Fat Snow Rush Cold Blooded
2946 Vikemon Vikemon Ice Fighting Adaptability Snow Rush Fur Coat
2812 Dolphmon Dolphmon Water Sound Torrent Swift Swim Snow Rush
2140 Ithaqwind Ithaqwind Ice Wind Snow Rush Snow Warning Speed Boost
2943 Gomamon Gomamon Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Snow Rush Thick Fat
2212 Pengemperor Pengemperor Ice Undiscovered Snow Cloak Swift Swim Snow Rush
2944 Ikkakumon Ikkakumon Water Ice Thick Fat Snow Rush Snow Cloak
2584 Arctovish Arctovish Water Ice Water Absorb Ice Body Snow Rush
2751 Santaltah Santaltah Ice Shadow Snow Rush Undiscovered Moxie
3797 Frozcatty Frozcatty Ice Fairy Snow Rush Refrigerate Snow Warning
3796 Snowkitty Snowkitty Ice Fairy Snow Rush Refrigerate Snow Warning
2213 Albinguin Albinguin Ice Fear Intimidate Unnerve Snow Rush
3710 Humanoid Seel Humanoid Seel Water Ice Thick Fat Snow Rush Ice Body
2813 Whamon Whamon Water Cyber Torrent Swift Swim Snow Rush
2982 Hyogamon Hyogamon Dark Ice Unnerve Ice Body Snow Rush
3711 Humanoid Dewgong Humanoid Dewgong Water Ice Thick Fat Snow Rush Ice Body
2945 Zudomon Zudomon Water Electric Lightningrod Snow Rush Volt Absorb
2172 Chillrock Chillrock Tech Ice Snow Rush Undiscovered Download
2811 Penguinmon Penguinmon Water Ice Torrent Big Pecks Snow Rush
2814 Neptunemon Neptunemon Water Steel Torrent Swift Swim Snow Rush
3291 Kaiju Weavile Kaiju Weavile Dark Ice Technician Snow Rush Pickpocket
2690 Noseer Noseer Normal Ice Illuminate Snow Rush Cloud Nine
2582 Arctozolt Arctozolt Electric Ice Volt Absorb Static Snow Rush
2832 Wackian Gulpin Wackian Gulpin Ice Fairy Thick Fat Snow Rush Cold Blooded
2833 Wackian Swalot Wackian Swalot Ice Fairy Thick Fat Snow Rush Cold Blooded
4754 Ice Mario Ice Mario Ice Undiscovered Snow Rush Undiscovered Ice Body
4451 Christmas Stantler Christmas Stantler Normal Ice Snow Rush Undiscovered Sap Sipper
4078 Arctosaur Arctosaur Ice Undiscovered Ice Body Undiscovered Snow Rush
4563 Santa Joon Santa Joon Fighting Ice Snow Rush Undiscovered Iron Fist
4439 Santa Jynx Santa Jynx Ice Fairy Oblivious Snow Rush Filter
4551 Santa Rumiarkness Santa Rumiarkness Dark Ice Mold Breaker Snow Rush Ice Body
4549 Santa Mystiarrow Santa Mystiarrow Ice Sound Snow Rush Snow Cloak Soundproof
4546 Krampusird Krampusird Ghost Fairy Shadow Tag Snow Rush Intimidate
4552 Santa Wrigglight Santa Wrigglight Bug Ice Compoundeyes Snow Rush Swarm
4542 Subzero Subzero Dark Ice Snow Rush Undiscovered Anger Point
4438 Krampird Krampird Ghost Fairy Shadow Tag Snow Rush Intimidate