Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


The Pokémon summons a hailstorm in battle.


When the bearer enters battle, starts hail weather. It lasts forever, unless replaced by another weather.

Gen 6: The weather lasts 5 rounds (or 8 if Icy Rock is held).

Pokémon that have Snow Warning

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
895 Aurorus Aurorus Rock Ice Refrigerate Snow Warning Simple
1976 Christree Christree Grass Ice Snow Warning Undiscovered Cacophony
1214 Alolan Ninetales Alolan Ninetales Ice Fairy Snow Cloak Snow Warning Ice Body
646 Kyurem Kyurem Dragon Ice Snow Warning Pressure None
614 Beartic Beartic Ice Undiscovered Winter Force Swift Swim Snow Warning
1865 Lettyice Lettyice Ice Undiscovered Snow Warning Marvel Scale Water Absorb
584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Ice Food Ice Body Snow Warning Weak Armor
1821 Abomizzard Abomizzard Grass Ice Snow Warning Undiscovered Soundproof
662 Smoman Smoman Ice Undiscovered Ice Body Ice Body Snow Warning
478 Froslass Froslass Ice Ghost Cursed Body Snow Rush Snow Warning
1275 Frostolem Frostolem Rock Ice Snow Rush Filter Snow Warning
378 Regice Regice Ice Undiscovered Clear Body Filter Snow Warning
460 Abomasnow Abomasnow Grass Ice Snow Warning Undiscovered Soundproof
1361 Frwind Frwind Wind Ice Snow Warning Snow Rush Levitate
144 Articuno Articuno Ice Flying Snow Warning Undiscovered Snow Cloak
1213 Alolan Vulpix Alolan Vulpix Ice Undiscovered Snow Cloak Snow Warning Ice Body
661 Smoball Smoball Ice Undiscovered Ice Body Ice Body Snow Warning
459 Snover Snover Grass Ice Snow Warning Undiscovered Soundproof
663 Snofistor Snofistor Ice Fighting Winter Force Winter Force Snow Warning
686 Chillzie Chillzie Zombie Ice Snow Warning Poison Touch Insomnia
664 Frostear Frostear Ice Fear Intimidate Intimidate Snow Warning
615 Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice Undiscovered Levitate Undiscovered Snow Warning
2140 Ithaqwind Ithaqwind Ice Wind Snow Rush Snow Warning Speed Boost
2775 Frostiseel Frostiseel Water Ice Swift Swim Ice Body Snow Warning
2432 Nugger Nugger Ice Undiscovered Ice Body Undiscovered Snow Warning
3797 Frozcatty Frozcatty Ice Fairy Snow Rush Refrigerate Snow Warning
3796 Snowkitty Snowkitty Ice Fairy Snow Rush Refrigerate Snow Warning
3768 Humanoid Articuno Humanoid Articuno Ice Flying Snow Warning Undiscovered Snow Cloak
2578 Wood Abomasnow Wood Abomasnow Wood Ice Snow Warning Undiscovered Soundproof
2566 Frosmoth Frosmoth Ice Bug Shield Dust Isolation Snow Warning
2910 Elsnow Elsnow Heart Ice Anger Point Cute Charm Snow Warning
2577 Wood Snover Wood Snover Wood Ice Snow Warning Undiscovered Soundproof
4596 Christmas Torterra Christmas Torterra Grass Ice Ice Body Sap Sipper Snow Warning
4248 Pengwarn Pengwarn Ice Undiscovered Forewarn Snow Warning None
4188 Beta Abomasnow Beta Abomasnow Grass Ice Snow Warning Undiscovered Soundproof
4249 Banguin Banguin Ice Fighting Forewarn Snow Warning None
4187 Beta Snover Beta Snover Grass Ice Snow Warning Undiscovered Soundproof
4564 Santa Shion Santa Shion Ghost Ice Snow Warning Undiscovered Prankster