Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Restores HP if hit by a Ghost-type move.


Instead of dealing damage, Ghost-type moves heal the Pokemon with this ability.

Pokémon that have Soul Eater

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1971 Clounight Clounight Wind Dark Shadow Call Soul Eater Levitate
1926 Skullask Skullask Fear Bone Soul Eater Prankster Pickup
1647 Hellraiser Hellraiser Ghost Fire Soul Eater Undiscovered None
1925 Phobeon Phobeon Fear Undiscovered Unnerve Intimidate Soul Eater
1120 Eldri Eldri Chaos Psychic Intimidate Intimidate Soul Eater
1121 Eldreye Eldreye Chaos Psychic Levitate Levitate Soul Eater
1181 Marshadow Marshadow Fighting Ghost Technician Technician Soul Eater
1044 Black Black Ghost Undiscovered Soul Eater Cursed Body Prankster
1043 White Hand White Hand Ghost Zombie Soul Eater Cursed Body Unnerve
2307 Necrolili Necrolili Zombie Magic Magic Bounce Soul Eater Cursed Body
2206 Unlion Unlion Ghost Fear Soul Eater Sadist Anticipation
2389 Mega Ninetales Mega Ninetales Fire Ghost Soul Eater Undiscovered Drought
2798 Grave Dugtrio Grave Dugtrio Ghost Ground Soul Eater Arena Trap Vespertine
3044 Hinaspin Hinaspin Poison Ghost Soul Eater Levitate Own Tempo
3080 Yoshianshi Yoshianshi Zombie Undiscovered Soul Eater Undiscovered Sturdy
2797 Grave Diglett Grave Diglett Ghost Ground Soul Eater Arena Trap Vespertine
3042 HIM (Ghost) HIM (Ghost) Ghost Undiscovered Scrappy Undiscovered Soul Eater
3077 Zombiefairy Zombiefairy Fairy Zombie Wonder Guard Undiscovered Soul Eater
3250 Advent Yuyuko Advent Yuyuko Ghost Steel Shield Dust Undiscovered Soul Eater
2306 Necroli Necroli Zombie Magic Magic Bounce Soul Eater Cursed Body
2308 Necrolilith Necrolilith Zombie Magic Magic Bounce Soul Eater Cursed Body
2292 Regighost Regighost Ghost Undiscovered Clear Body Soul Eater Shadow Call
4428 CONSUMETSOU CONSUMETSOU Fear Divine Cacophony Shadow Call Soul Eater