Pokemon Wack Wiki

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The Pokémon's strong jaw gives it tremendous biting power.


The power of the bearer's biting moves is boosted by 50%.

Pokémon that have Strong Jaw

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1117 Gumshoos Gumshoos Normal Undiscovered Strong Jaw Analytic Adaptability
210 Granbull Granbull Fairy Undiscovered Intimidate Pixilate Strong Jaw
160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Water Bone Sheer Force Torrent Strong Jaw
303 Mawile Mawile Steel Fairy Hyper Cutter Intimidate Strong Jaw
159 Croconaw Croconaw Water Bone Sheer Force Torrent Strong Jaw
019 Rattata Rattata Normal Undiscovered Poison Heal Guts Strong Jaw
1116 Yungoos Yungoos Normal Undiscovered Strong Jaw Adaptability Quick Feet
305 Lairon Lairon Steel Rock Sturdy Rock Head Strong Jaw
1277 Blat Blat Blood Flying Strong Jaw Unnerve Infiltrator
1278 Batood Batood Blood Flying Strong Jaw Unnerve Infiltrator
1169 Bruxish Bruxish Water Psychic Strong Jaw Dazzling Wonder Skin
565 Carracosta Carracosta Water Rock Filter Sturdy Strong Jaw
158 Totodile Totodile Water Undiscovered Sheer Force Torrent Strong Jaw
1090 Dedfishe Dedfishe Water Zombie Rough Skin Poison Touch Strong Jaw
020 Raticate Raticate Normal Undiscovered Hustle Guts Strong Jaw
996 Sharpoat Sharpoat Water Dark Strong Jaw Undiscovered Speed Boost
893 Tyrantrum Tyrantrum Rock Dragon Strong Jaw Rock Head None
319 Sharpedo Sharpedo Water Dark Rough Skin Speed Boost Strong Jaw
564 Tirtouga Tirtouga Water Rock Filter Sturdy Strong Jaw
892 Tyrunt Tyrunt Rock Dragon Strong Jaw Sturdy None
821 Sharpladon Sharpladon Water Dark Speed Boost Strong Jaw Adaptability
2838 Charizardo Charizardo Fire Meme Strong Jaw Memetic Cacophony
3569 Heck Shelgon Heck Shelgon Dragon Undiscovered Rock Head Strong Jaw Moxie
2637 Giradrake Giradrake Normal Dragon Strong Jaw Rough Skin Scrappy
3934 Ghastata Ghastata Normal Ghost Hustle Stench Strong Jaw
3643 Humanoid Rattata Humanoid Rattata Normal Undiscovered Poison Heal Guts Strong Jaw
3601 Coalgate Coalgate Rock Dark Clear Body Strong Jaw Filter
3839 Deaderant Deaderant Zombie Undiscovered Hustle Guts Strong Jaw
2968 SaberLeomon SaberLeomon Fighting Rock Intimidate Strong Jaw Speed Boost
2583 Dracovish Dracovish Water Dragon Water Absorb Strong Jaw Sand Rush
2378 Herculeagon Herculeagon Dragon Bug Strong Jaw Undiscovered Berserker
3818 Mawnium Mawnium Poison Dark Intimidate Poison Touch Strong Jaw
3817 Thornium Thornium Poison Fairy Intimidate Effect Spore Strong Jaw
3816 Thornleef Thornleef Poison Undiscovered Intimidate Effect Spore Strong Jaw
2430 Hollowland Hollowland Dark Ghost Intimidate Shadow Call Strong Jaw
3184 Larvipede Larvipede Bug Ground Arena Trap Strong Jaw Stamina
3185 Sandrawler Sandrawler Bug Ground Arena Trap Strong Jaw Stamina
2429 Hungier Hungier Dark Undiscovered Gluttony Reckless Strong Jaw
3414 Kaiju Gumshoos Kaiju Gumshoos Normal Undiscovered Strong Jaw Analytic Adaptability
3644 Humanoid Raticate Humanoid Raticate Normal Undiscovered Hustle Guts Strong Jaw
2376 Drabite Drabite Dragon Bug Strong Jaw Undiscovered Berserker
3935 Ghasticate Ghasticate Normal Ghost Hustle Stench Strong Jaw
2087 Drednaw Drednaw Water Rock Strong Jaw Battle Armor Rough Skin
3932 Rottata Rottata Zombie Virus Poison Heal Stench Strong Jaw
2431 Loyaland Loyaland Dark Fairy Fur Coat Overcoat Strong Jaw
3933 Roticate Roticate Zombie Virus Poison Heal Stench Strong Jaw
2384 Pizzaurex Pizzaurex Food Dragon Intimidate Magma Armor Strong Jaw
3429 Beta Totodile Beta Totodile Water Undiscovered Sheer Force Torrent Strong Jaw
2439 Xokcon Xokcon Meme Dark Strong Jaw Undiscovered Berserker
3838 Zombicater Zombicater Zombie Undiscovered Poison Heal Guts Strong Jaw
2383 Pizzaur Pizzaur Food Dragon Intimidate Magma Armor Strong Jaw
2539 Chewtle Chewtle Water Undiscovered Strong Jaw Battle Armor Rough Skin
2377 Biteragon Biteragon Dragon Bug Strong Jaw Undiscovered Berserker
2717 Maze Maze Food Fire Strong Jaw Chlorophyll Steam Engine
3570 Heck Salamence Heck Salamence Dragon Blood Scrappy Strong Jaw Moxie
3324 Skelossil Skelossil Bone Ghost Strong Jaw Dark Life Tough Claws
3036 Mega Bruxish Mega Bruxish Water Psychic Strong Jaw Undiscovered Dazzling
3568 Heck Bagon Heck Bagon Dragon Undiscovered Rock Head Strong Jaw Sheer Force
2801 Necroseel Necroseel Water Zombie Unnerve Strong Jaw Infected
2758 Trapgeist Trapgeist Steel Dark Strong Jaw Prankster Constrictor
3815 Thorita Thorita Poison Undiscovered Intimidate Effect Spore Strong Jaw
2457 Gigantamax Drednaw Gigantamax Drednaw Water Rock Strong Jaw Battle Armor Rough Skin
2480 Giramare Giramare Normal Ghost Strong Jaw Vespertine Shadow Call
2716 Corneen Corneen Food Undiscovered Strong Jaw Chlorophyll Shed Skin
2500 Boltund Boltund Electric Undiscovered Static Strong Jaw Speed Boost
2428 Starvipup Starvipup Dark Undiscovered Gluttony Reckless Strong Jaw
4138 Scpee939 Scpee939 Fear Sound Intimidate Strong Jaw Trace
4199 Wolfmansk Wolfmansk Fear Dark Vespertine Prankster Strong Jaw
4075 Kaiju Sandrawler Kaiju Sandrawler Bug Ground Arena Trap Strong Jaw Stamina
4086 Clamppelo Clamppelo Plastic Fabric Inner Focus Strong Jaw Unnerve
4561 Swashbull Swashbull Fighting Water Intimidate Hyper Cutter Strong Jaw
4748 Chainchomp Chainchomp Steel Undiscovered Strong Jaw Undiscovered Hustle
4543 Mileena Mileena Dark Undiscovered Intimidate Strong Jaw Sadist
4637 Mawvenus Mawvenus Grass Flying Hyper Cutter Intimidate Strong Jaw
4532 Piranha Plant Piranha Plant Grass Undiscovered Overgrow Strong Jaw Chlorophyll
4511 Pacman Pacman Normal Cyber Own Tempo Undiscovered Strong Jaw