Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Powers up Bug-type moves in a pinch.


In battle: The power of the bearer's Bug-type moves is boosted by 50% while the bearer is at or less than 1/3 of its maximum HP.

Out of battle: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), increases the wild encounter rate by 50%.

Pokémon that have Swarm

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
214 Heracross Heracross Bug Fighting Swarm Guts Moxie
596 Galvantula Galvantula Bug Electric Compoundeyes Unnerve Swarm
1055 Malworm Malworm Virus Bug Compoundeyes Infiltrator Swarm
1527 Spidette Spidette Bug Poison Swarm Insomnia Sniper
588 Karrablast Karrablast Bug Undiscovered Swarm Shed Skin No Guard
1855 Axelasp Axelasp Flying Bug Compoundeyes Swarm Frisk
1854 Hillipod Hillipod Flying Bug Compoundeyes Swarm Frisk
1853 Pendrasp Pendrasp Flying Bug Compoundeyes Swarm Frisk
1857 Wrigglight Wrigglight Bug Dark Compoundeyes Frisk Swarm
595 Joltik Joltik Bug Electric Compoundeyes Unnerve Swarm
401 Kricketot Kricketot Bug Sound Shed Skin Swarm Run Away
123 Scyther Scyther Bug Flying Swarm Technician Steadfast
1562 Scizors Scizors Bug Flying Swarm Technician Hyper Cutter
1536 Tripstar Tripstar Bug Undiscovered Swarm Undiscovered Iron Fist
1005 Combug Combug Bug Cyber Compoundeyes Trace Swarm
1095 Snowpil Snowpil Bug Ice Snow Cloak Ice Body Swarm
167 Spinarak Spinarak Bug Poison Swarm Insomnia Sniper
540 Sewaddle Sewaddle Bug Grass Swarm Chlorophyll Overcoat
636 Larvesta Larvesta Bug Fire Flame Body Undiscovered Swarm
1648 Icepick Icepick Bug Ice Swarm Technician Steadfast
1191 Cragite Cragite Bug Rock Swarm Shield Dust Truant
1427 Spiortal Spiortal Bug Psychic Swarm Insomnia Sniper
168 Ariados Ariados Bug Poison Sniper Insomnia Swarm
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Swarm Battle Armor Overcoat
1131 Grubbin Grubbin Bug Undiscovered Swarm Swarm Run Away
1194 Splague Splague Virus Cosmic Infected Poison Touch Swarm
1193 Spirus Spirus Virus Cosmic Infected Poison Touch Swarm
212 Scizor Scizor Bug Steel Swarm Technician Unburden
165 Ledyba Ledyba Bug Flying Swarm Early Bird Rattled
1054 Virurm Virurm Virus Bug Compoundeyes Infiltrator Swarm
1096 Froskoon Froskoon Bug Ice Heatproof Ice Body Swarm
637 Volcarona Volcarona Bug Fire Flame Body Undiscovered Swarm
632 Durant Durant Bug Steel Swarm Truant Truant
267 Beautifly Beautifly Bug Flying Swarm Rivalry Rivalry
2324 Earbuzz Earbuzz Bug Sound Soundproof Swarm Lightningrod
3977 Mandiwrath Mandiwrath Bug Ghost Compoundeyes Undiscovered Swarm
2325 Phornet Phornet Bug Sound Soundproof Swarm Lightningrod
2565 Snom Snom Ice Bug Shield Dust Isolation Swarm
2164 Bugcatcher Bugcatcher Normal Bug Swarm Undiscovered Arena Trap
2420 Broodhort Broodhort Dark Blood Pounce Swarm Sturdy
3747 Humanoid Scyther Humanoid Scyther Bug Flying Swarm Technician Steadfast
2332 Mega Ariados Mega Ariados Bug Poison Merciless Undiscovered Swarm
3442 Beta Ariados Beta Ariados Bug Poison Sniper Insomnia Swarm
3616 Manomoth Manomoth Bug Dark Swarm Forewarn Dark Life
3615 Dark Venonat Dark Venonat Bug Dark Swarm Forewarn Dark Life
2148 Spiderman Ariados Spiderman Ariados Bug Nuclear Swarm Undiscovered Irradiated
2535 Blipbug Blipbug Bug Undiscovered Swarm Compoundeyes Run Away
3418 Kaiju Shelmet Kaiju Shelmet Bug Steel Swarm Battle Armor Overcoat
3420 Kaiju Galvantula Kaiju Galvantula Bug Electric Compoundeyes Unnerve Swarm
2537 Orbeetle Orbeetle Bug Psychic Tinted Lens Wonder Skin Swarm
2536 Dottler Dottler Bug Psychic Swarm Compoundeyes Wonder Skin
2174 Blastrock Blastrock Tech Bug Swarm Undiscovered Download
3925 Boulderfree Boulderfree Rock Flying Sturdy Cloud Nine Swarm
4312 Fleap Fleap Bug Undiscovered Hyper Cutter Swarm None
4018 Exeggunest Exeggunest Bug Grass Early Bird Swarm Harvest
4017 Swarmute Swarmute Bug Undiscovered Early Bird Swarm Harvest
4848 Kleavor Kleavor Bug Rock Swarm Hyper Cutter Steadfast
4034 Beeking Beeking Bug Flying Intimidate Swarm Lightningrod
4033 Golbee Golbee Bug Flying Run Away Swarm Lightningrod
4462 Airantula Airantula Bug Wind Compoundeyes Unnerve Swarm
4552 Santa Wrigglight Santa Wrigglight Bug Ice Compoundeyes Snow Rush Swarm
4461 Bristik Bristik Bug Wind Compoundeyes Unnerve Swarm
4313 Flitchi Flitchi Bug Undiscovered Hyper Cutter Swarm None