Pokemon Wack Wiki
Upgrade Cave
File:Upgrade Cave.PNG
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Upgrade Cave
Abandone Town
Wack Route 0
Location of Upgrade Cave in Wack.

The Upgrade Cave is a long cave that connects Abandone Town and iCity. It is mostly home to Tech- and Cyber-types, and is divided into a number of sections. Leveling up Magneton, Nosepass, Crystal Nosepass, or Happiny in this area will make them evolve into Magnezone, Probopass, Crystal Probopass, and Wackian Chansey respectively.


  • :TM56 (Power Gem): Upper Floor, east of Scientist Stoov.
  • TM73 (Thunder Wave): Upper floor, on the raised section north of Scientist Nobad.
  • Up-Grade x2: Upper floor, on the raised section north of Scientist Nobad.
  • TM93 (Wild Charge): Upper floor, on the raised area east of Scientist Lenny.
  • Thunderstone: Upper floor, southwest of Aroma Lady Whatami.
  • Max Repel: Upper floor, past the group of 4 trainers near the second ladder.
  • TM91 (Flash Cannon): Lower floor, in front of Gentleman Decrep.
  • Charcoal: Lower floor, under Gentleman Decrep after his defeat (unlimited supply).
  • Mouseeite: Lower floor, west of Scientist Sciz.
  • Max Ether: Lower floor, southeast of Hiker Olive.
  • Ether: Upper floor, southwest of Super Nerd Mayman.
  • Magnet: Upper floor, southeast of Super Nerd Pepe.
  • Hoverite: Upper floor, northwest of Rocker Faste.
  • Electrodite: Upper floor, northeast of Rocker Faste.
  • Metal Coat: Upper floor, north of Super Nerd Balls.
  • TM80 (Rock Slide) x2: Upper floor, northeast of Super Nerd Going. Upper Floor, next to Super Nerd Tweny.
  • TM114 (Net Surf): Upper floor, next to Super Nerd Cansto.
  • Choice Scarf: Given to you by Zaydolf after defeating him.


Scientist Stoov: Nanos Lv. 43, Sonotech Lv. 43

Super Nerd Quince: Porygon2 Lv. 43, Euphoreye Lv. 43

Scientist Lenny: Magneton Lv. 43 x2

Scientist Nobad: Fanin' Lv. 44

Super Nerd Edgar: Porygon-Z Lv. 43

Super Nerd Ahmed: Blizzlam Lv. 43, Noctowl Lv. 43

Super Nerd Meemer: Manectric Lv. 45

Super Nerd Tecy: Mousee Lv. 44

Rocker Degeneray: Budsee Lv. 44, Sonotech Lv. 44

Super Nerd Socanx: Cubone Lv. 44

Rocker Cool Guy: Fridigor Lv. 44

Super Nerd Ovoa: Rotom Lv. 44, Lampent Lv. 44

Rocker Up2date: Propad Lv. 44, Porygon2 Lv. 43

Rocker Brah: Emolga Lv. 43, Pachirisu Lv. 43, Dedenne Lv. 43, Alolan Raichu Lv. 44, Plusle Lv. 43, Minun Lv. 43

Aroma Lady Whatami: Petilil Lv. 44, Maractus Lv. 45

Rocker Irone: Steelix Lv. 44

Hiker Goodam: Graveler Lv. 45

Scientist Sciz: Espionot Lv. 45

Scientist Loot: Lavagun Lv. 45

Hiker Olive: Throh Lv. 45, Marowak Lv. 45

Hiker Fatrun: Munchlax Lv. 44, Snorlax Lv. 44

Hiker Diego: Crabominable Lv. 46, Alolan Dugtrio Lv. 44

Hiker Halp: Golem Lv. 45

Scientist Moe: Magnezone Lv. 45

Gentleman Decrep: Dragonair Lv. 48

Super Nerd Eddie: M'ladee Lv. 45

Super Nerd Mayman: Tweeter Lv. 46

Hiker Hiker: Machoke Lv. 45, Gurdurr Lv. 45

Hiker Loz: Rhydon Lv. 45

Hiker Joere: Heruptin Lv. 45, Comistorin Lv. 45 (WARNING: DOUBLE BATTLE)

Super Nerd Dubs: Propod Lv. 45, Propad (WARNING: DOUBLE BATTLE)

Super Nerd Saul: Boomblix Lv. 45

Super Nerd Georgee: Hitmonlee Lv. 48

Super Nerd Pepe: Politoed Lv. 45, Seismitoad Lv. 45

Hiker Cambur: Magneton Lv. 45, Gigalith Lv. 45 (Double Battle)

Hiker Flint: Zweilous Lv. 45, Doduo Lv. 45 (Double Battle)

Super Nerd Balls: Voltorb Lv. 40 x5, Electrode Lv. 45

Rocker Faste: Zebstrika Lv. 45, Yanmega Lv. 45

Super Nerd Going: Slowbro Lv. 45

Super Nerd Euphor: Pengemperor Lv. 45

Gentleman Walter: Carbink Lv. 45, Magnezone Lv. 45, Cryogonal Lv. 45

Super Nerd Matthew: Plasbul Lv. 45

Super Nerd Dorce: Slaking Lv. 45

Super Nerd Tweel: Lightulb Lv. 45

Super Nerd Tweny: Forretress Lv. 46, Fanin' Lv. 48

Super Nerd Cansto: Probopass Lv. 45

Gentleman Finisher: Shedinja Lv. 47, Gueriest Lv. 47


Upper floor[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Fanin' Fanin'
Cave Cave
42-44 20%
Espionot Espionot
Cave Cave
42-43 20%
Sonotech Sonotech
Cave Cave
42-45 10%
Nanos Nanos
Cave Cave
42-44 10%
Tweeter Tweeter
Cave Cave
42-43 10%
Myosmic Myosmic
Cave Cave
42-44 10%
Nanos Nanos
Cave Cave
42-44 5%
Feborius Feborius
Cave Cave
42-43 5%
Synthite Synthite
Cave Cave
42-44 4%
Sonotech Sonotech
Cave Cave
42-44 4%
Espionot Espionot
Cave Cave
41-45 1%
Fanin' Fanin'
Cave Cave
42-45 1%

Lower floor, section 1[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Fanin' Fanin'
Cave Cave
44-45 20%
Espionot Espionot
Cave Cave
43-45 20%
Sonotech Sonotech
Cave Cave
43-45 10%
Nanos Nanos
Cave Cave
43-44 10%
Tweeter Tweeter
Cave Cave
43 10%
Mousee Mousee
Cave Cave
43-44 10%
Nanos Nanos
Cave Cave
44-45 5%
Mousee Mousee
Cave Cave
43 5%
Synthite Synthite
Cave Cave
43-44 4%
Sonotech Sonotech
Cave Cave
43-44 4%
Espionot Espionot
Cave Cave
44-45 1%
Fanin' Fanin'
Cave Cave
44-45 1%

Lower floor, section 2[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Porygon Porygon
Cave Cave
44-45 20%
Beldum Beldum
Cave Cave
43-45 20%
Klink Klink
Cave Cave
43-45 10%
Magneton Magneton
Cave Cave
43-44 10%
Electrode Electrode
Cave Cave
43 10%
Beldum Beldum
Cave Cave
43-44 10%
Porygon2 Porygon2
Cave Cave
44-45 5%
Electrode Electrode
Cave Cave
43 5%
Magneton Magneton
Cave Cave
43-44 4%
Klink Klink
Cave Cave
43-44 4%
Beldum Beldum
Cave Cave
44-45 1%
Porygon Porygon
Cave Cave
44-45 1%

Rival battle[]

At the iCity end of the cave, Zaydolf will battle the player. He uses a level 50 Canvast, a level 50 Manectric and a level 50 Rufflet.
