Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Prevents other Pokémon from lowering its stats.


In battle: The bearer's stats cannot be lowered (except if self-inflicted).

Out of battle: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), halves the wild encounter rate.

Pokémon that have White Smoke

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1264 Mageyser Mageyser Magma Ground White Smoke White Smoke Rock Head
679 Smobill Smobill Zombie Virus White Smoke Infected Constrictor
244 Entei Entei Fire Undiscovered Pressure Flash Fire White Smoke
1262 Mageno Mageno Magma Undiscovered White Smoke White Smoke Rock Head
1452 Alolan Torkoal Alolan Torkoal Steam Undiscovered White Smoke Drizzle Battle Armor
324 Torkoal Torkoal Fire Undiscovered White Smoke Drought Battle Armor
1244 Bardius Bardius Divine Virus White Smoke Wonder Skin Unnerve
1057 Red Mist Red Mist Steam Fear Static Unnerve White Smoke
631 Heatmor Heatmor Fire Undiscovered White Smoke Flash Fire Gluttony
977 Zyklas Zyklas Poison Steam Evaporate Poison Point White Smoke
1263 Magamen Magamen Magma Ground White Smoke White Smoke Rock Head
3986 Chernobell Chernobell Fire Undiscovered White Smoke Undiscovered Flame Body
3985 Cannonbell Cannonbell Fire Undiscovered White Smoke Undiscovered Flame Body
3984 Bellpowder Bellpowder Fire Undiscovered White Smoke Undiscovered Flame Body
2264 Steam Golem Steam Golem Steam Undiscovered White Smoke Flame Body Adaptability
3840 Brimshrew Brimshrew Ground Fire Flash Fire White Smoke Sand Rush
2660 Embirch Embirch Fire Grass Reckless Leaf Guard White Smoke
3561 Infernace Infernace Steel Fire Flame Body Unburden White Smoke
3560 Roven Roven Rock Fire Flame Body Battle Armor White Smoke
2262 Steam Geodude Steam Geodude Steam Undiscovered White Smoke Flame Body Adaptability
2263 Steam Graveler Steam Graveler Steam Undiscovered White Smoke Flame Body Adaptability
2662 Pyroak Pyroak Fire Grass Rock Head Battle Armor White Smoke
2541 Centiskorch Centiskorch Fire Bug White Smoke Flash Fire Flame Body
2661 Flarelm Flarelm Fire Grass Rock Head Battle Armor White Smoke
2540 Sizzlipede Sizzlipede Fire Bug White Smoke Flash Fire Flame Body
4358 Cigraworm Cigraworm Poison Fire White Smoke Flash Fire None
4357 Fagworm Fagworm Poison Fire White Smoke Flash Fire None